Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We made it

We were quite the sight at the airport I am sure. All went smoothly until...we had all four littles, 4 car seats, 2 pack in plays, and 6 suitcases. I know it sounds rediculous to need that many bags for two weeks. This vacation, however, requires us to bring our own sheets, towels, and life jackets.

So anyway, there we were with all our belongings and we are told that the bus we have to get on is two lanes of busy traffic away. Off we went with one in the stroller, another screaming child strapped to my chest, and the other two each holding a side of the stroller and my husband pushing a luggage cart taller then him. We made it through the lanes of traffic, then Andy hits a curb and our bags fly into the street. Better the bags then the kids, so all was still good.

Other then that small part, our adventures to Redimacs, Dutch village, and others along the way went smooth as could be.

this picture is a personal favorite.  i think the best i have ever taken

Here we are. Luke has a new pet frog. Our newest most exciting pass time is playing with grandma meyer's old costume jewelry. These boys are having a blast as am I. I think lily is digging it too. Mostly she is liking sleeping along side the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Darling photo's! I do believe the toad one is a great photo also! Love the ones of all of them in the Dutch Village wooden shoes! Priceless.
    Love ya, Mom
