Saturday, May 26, 2012


the children's museum. now to be honest, i have a love hate relationship with this place.  so many kids, running in every direction.  mine included, its a challenge to keep track.  i am in constant fear of losing one of them.  they have a blast and i am simply exhausted by the end of the day.

this visit was a tad bit different.  luke is old enough where i can trust him to venture into an area by himself.  as long as he tells me where he is going, he knows not to leave that area, i do feel he is safe.  there is plenty of staff keeping an eye on things.  so, it was actually our most enjoyable visit.  logan could sit and do his art for hours while luke played with balls and cars and i played with the other two somewhere in between.

bear with me as i share my blurry, not so great, pictures from my phone.  hauling the 4 littles, lunches, water, and everything else necessary for a day out, leaves no space for my camera.

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