Thursday, May 26, 2011


luke has always been my challenge.  when he is good, he is so much fun and a delight to be around.  but when he is bad, watch out.  i am not sure what to do with him.  what i want most is for all of my children to be happy.  happy littles = happy mama.  however, luke just throws me for a loop.  if anyone gets something and he does not, he feels cheated.  he hides everything in his room.  does not want to share.  will break logan's drawings and toys if he can.  the most upsetting is when he hits or pinches his brother, he can be so mean and it breaks logan's (and my) heart to have him act like this.  it can make the perfect day turn into a nightmare when he is acting out, it upsets everyone and i do not like the mood that it sets in our home.  i have tried and tried to get him to stop, explain that he needs to treat others with respect.  at school, the teachers say he is great, the problem truly comes out when he is at home.  what am i doing wrong?  its a big weight and constant worry... i hope to find an answer soon.  please God, send me a clue...

1 comment:

  1. Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, forever our little challenge! Sometimes all we can do is be there and do the best we can....sometimes children just have to learn the hard way. As parents we alway want their happiness but sometimes they have to learn to live with the choices they make. As parents and grandparents our job is to be there for them with unconditional love, praying for them and supporting them. Love Ya, Mom
