Wednesday, June 8, 2011

terrible twos

he is a darling little boy, so sweet, but suddenly the terrible two's are upon us.  full on tantrums on the floor, sidewalk, store, i turn around and there he is laying there screaming and crying.  at swim lessons he cries until its his turn to go, even though he has been fine swimming for months.  toys, food, and drinks are flying around the room when he gets them in his little hands.  poor little guy is really learning about time out these days...


  1. Oh, poor Landon. Hang in their little guy. Miss him. Give him a BIG hug and Smooch for me.


  2. Yes, he is going through some issues.....from sweet little one to knowing and wanting everything. "and I want it right now!" Doesn't help when time is divided between everyone else and the fact he is cutting yet more molars. He will be back to himself soon. Love Ya, Mom
