Thursday, June 30, 2011


landon has recently decided to potty train himself.  he has been ready for awhile, i am the one who is not ready.  not ready for a third little boy having to go pee the minute we are all in the car and its 115 degrees outside.  no, i am not ready!
he has gone outside like the other boys a few times and then made his way to the 'big' potty.  no little potty for this one, i have it out, but forget it!  the most precious part of this, is that he is so proud of himself.  when we picked up luke from camp, landon looked right at him and told him that he had gone on the big potty.  he must have been waiting all day to share the news with his big brother.... there is nothing like having a brother.

logan is into sending mail lately.  he has been writing letters to his friend kevin.  a few letters, everyday, and they have to be read over and over again.  and written over and over again, until they are perfect.  his words are so kind, "dear kevin, thank you for being a lovely friend.  from logan"  lovely, yes, he even came up with that one himself.

luke does not want to do anything that does not involve a ball or playing rock, paper, scissors.  i have never played so much rock, paper, scissors in all my life.  his front tooth is still loose.  it has been loose for a few months now.  and he keeps waiting patiently for it to fall out, he cannot wait to see the tooth fairy again.  another little boy at his school told him that if he brings the tooth into the principle, he will get a little surprise.  luke shared this with me last night and this morning he was pulling on his tooth and asking me to get it out.  i think this little boys patience is growing thin...

lily just keeps growing and growing.  she is so good.  the only time she really, really cries is when she has a poopy diaper.  she does not like that at all, what a smart girl!  she smiles at her brothers, even when she is is danger of being knocked over.  i heard her first laugh today, while logan was bouncing her around in her seat.  logan is also into getting her dressed.  she is in her party dress today for pump it up this afternoon.  logan wanted to add extra bows to her outfit, but luke voiced his opinion on her having enough bows.

we are preparing for a week in minnesota for the 4th of july.  i have just started to get us ready.  flying for the first time as a family of 6.  omg, 6, with 4 of us being 6 and under, this will be a delight!  sorry to all my fellow travelers.  but into the air we will go on saturday for a fun filled griswalds style vacation.  off to see nana lewis, green grass, fireworks, humidity and more.

pictures to follow.  i am a bit busy!

1 comment:

  1. A bit busy indeed that is putting it mildly. Some day you will look back at your blog entries and wonder how you did it and how much fun them days actually were and you will treasure your memories! Stop and breathe and enjoy your busy all passes much too quickly! Love Ya, Mom
