Tuesday, October 18, 2011

mismatch day

its mismatch day and these two frien-emies are up early, dressed and ready to go.  luke decided to mismatch his hair and logan was all about his socks and shoes. 

this is what they do outside before 7am when they don't know my eyes (and camera, he, he) are peeking.  i am sure the neighbors love us 


  1. :D Mismatch day looks like fun with these 2!

  2. what are they going to be for halloween? there is a halloween party happening here for the kids, pizza and costume sort of thing. quinn wants to be a pirate and tate a turtle.

  3. I wonder what you look like on mismatch day : )

    This is such a great idea - looks like it's still very warm where you live. We expect the first snow in this years autumn...
