Friday, October 28, 2011

yesterday at the mall, in the check out line.  toddler boy sleeping in one stroller and baby girl sleeping on top of me in the carrier.  happy mommy and nana shopping with two sleeping children.


lily vomits all over me.  i cannot believe how much came out of her little body, and it kept coming, and coming, and coming.  and of course, she kept smiling, smiling, smiling.   


after being sick all day and hardly taking a nap, she starts sitting up.  how did she do that?   sick with a stomach flu all day and then she sits?  and all by herself, unsupported. 


she is loving to sit and look around.  just like i can't get enough of her, she can't get enough of this little toy.  i know i have said it before...can...i...please...stop....time???


  1. It's amazing how quickly things happen with little ones. Baby teeth popping thru, baby sitting, baby crawling, baby out boys Lily is coming into her own.
    Love Ya, Mom

  2. Bless her and bless you. Perhaps the vomiting strengthened her stomach muscles! She is beautiful.x
