Monday, October 3, 2011


while luke has his soccer practice i bring the other littles over for some play time at the park.  today we brought our parachute men or 'fast man' as landon would say.
it was a blast.
logan shared with everyone at the park.
landon enjoyed a ride on my shoulders with his 'fast man'
so much fun.
even some rain clouds with thunder and lightening in the near distance... no rain.
daddy joined us and surprised the boys (and me)
warm beef stew and pumpkin muffins at home waiting for us.
i am loving the fall evenings with my family.


  1. What fun, sounds like a perfect fall evening. Especially with dinner ready and waiting upon return! Love ya, Mom

  2. autumn is my favorite, even though i'm a summer girl through and through. there is something so intimate about autumn. x.
