Friday, May 4, 2012

the mr.

after our 'perfect' day with the boats, i got a phone call that my husband had fallen off of a bicycle he was test riding.  at first i thought it was a joke... he was getting a haircut with luke... or wait... seriously?  so, i woke the others from their naps and we were off.  luke was waiting with the firemen at the scene.  in the firetruck, all smiles having fun, not traumatized.  i don't think he realized what had happened. he was just happy to be hanging with real firemen.

apparently andrew was testing a mountain bike and fell off injuring his leg.  they had already taken him to the er by the time i arrived.  luke told me that daddy was 'trying to do a flip'.  i think daddy may have unintentionally done a flip.

anyhow, after the er visit, surgery, and a night in the hospital andrew is back home and settling in the best he can.  unfortunately the bike fall resulted in a broken leg and shattered ankle.  yes, a nasty fall it was.  he will be in the cast for another 6 weeks.  it is painful and awful, but i feel blessed that it was only his leg... not a full body cast, traction devices or much, much worse.

the boys are loving the cast.  landon tells everyone that his daddy is the best at hopping on one leg.  lily keeps stealing his walker.  i think she is enjoying this most of all.  her eyes gleam every time she sees the walker. possibly wondering why we didn't get a pink one in her size. i have added a granny basket to the front of the walker, anything to make life a bit easier, right?

andrew is in good spirits.  upon returning home he received a set of training wheels from a friend.  he laughed, but they will be going on his next bike.  oh yes they will.


  1. Andrew, you should be a comedian. I am going to sign your cast "Fool" :)))) I am very happy you are still alive and in several pieces but connected.

  2. Then perhaps he'll get to attend a couple of Lily's treatments? I think that would be nice for him. He probably thinks about you all day each Tuesday. Get better soon, Andy ... but take advantage of the time.

  3. Holy Cow! What a way to start the summer. Wait, I guess it is summer there year round :-)

    Wishing Andy a quick recovery.
