Sunday, April 28, 2013


clearly this race was not entirely fair.  i think landon had the same feeling.  they all took off at the count of three, then landon curved around and took a short cut through the playground.  oh, and i love his necklace. he made it in his noon cats class.  can't get him to take it off.

and for some reason lily looks so grown up to me.  no longer a baby, but a little girl.  she is as tomboy as can be, then sits down, crosses her legs, and shrugs her shoulders like a little lady.


  1. Yay Landon, he's smart enough to make things a little more fair when racing the big boys! Lily is so much right in their holding her own with everyone of them, but indeed so much a feminine little girl in the end with her poise and built in soft qualities.
    Love ya, Mom

  2. Lily looks quite the little lady these days and Landon, well I would say track star. :)
