Wednesday, May 8, 2013


this event was hands down the best school fundraiser i have been to yet.  the organizers were very organized (you know that is not always the case), positive, and kept the kids excited.  they even had me ready to run.  goosebumps when they started with the national anthem and then pumped up the music.

it was a few week ordeal. everyday they came home from school talking about leadership, character, respect, and so much more. even landon has been singing 'highway usa, highway usa' and talking about amilia earhart. adorable.  so much fun and we ran our way to raising money for some much needed fitness equipment.

the only downside was that i only had my phone camera, which is ancient. so bear with me on the fuzzy, blurred images.

1 comment:

  1. They look like they had a great race, such fun for all of them to be participating in together for their school! Go Benchmark!

    Love Ya, Mom
