Saturday, August 6, 2011

chicago time

Aaahhh, there is nothing as sweet as waking up with a bed full of little ones and fresh, clean linens. Especially after two weeks at silver lake. I feel so clean and refreshed. Today we are all smiles and can't wait to see uncle dale.
Funny though, we have all been cramped together, sleeping close enough for us all to touch. Now that we have room in the hotel to spread out a bit, the boys were all crying when they went to bed because Landon was to far away. So we made the changes and laid them all side by side, sandwiched together, and off to dreamland they went without a peep.
After breakfast, we wandered outside and found a few pill bugs (or pillow bugs as Logan calls them), these little guys were carried ever so carefully back to our room. Sorry Marriott, it seems so unnatural to be living indoors again, we had to bring something least it was not the bags of sand.
As we were outside Logan asked me why grandma Meyer was not going to be with us today. I love that he is thinking about his great grandma, so blessed that he has her in his life. He misses her living in the cottage next door and being able to run over and admire her costume jewelry.

1 comment:

  1. You have some great photo's of the time spent in Chicago even though it was brief, it was memorable of some great times spent with loved ones!! The boys legs dangling, sweet. Thanks to Dale for making it all possible, we all enjoyed a wonderful cookout as always and were able to see as many members of the family as was possible with busy lives. Thanks also to Karen for those beautiful cupscakes that we all had to sample at least a taste of each one. Yummy!!! A big thanks to Mom/Gramma/Great Gramma for some wonderful treats and of course her fabulous potatoe salad! Yum, yum!!! All priceless photo's especially
    Gramma Bolt and Lily Grace, priceless indeed!!

    Love Ya, Mom
    Love ya, Mom
