Thursday, January 19, 2012

patty cake

she loves to play patty cake.  her eyes light up as soon as she hears me start to sing.  then mine tear....

i am at a loss for words lately.  scheduling lily's first chemotherapy session has left me withering inside.  its one thing to talk about it, but to hear myself say it, out loud, on the phone is something else all together.  we will start on tuesday, january 24th.

during this time, logan has been climbing into our bed every night at 2am.  he did this back when lily was born... every night, he would snuggle his way in.  then after about a month, he told me that since i was okay he was going to start sleeping in his bed again.  truly, i think he senses my unrest better then anyone else.  he is climbing in to comfort me.  my sensitive one.  i love it, but hope he does not do this for the next year.  last night, i got out of our crowded bed and went up to his.  i have not slept so sound in months.


  1. Hang in there! Will think of you, Lily & the boys coming 24th., sending white light & positive thoughts your way.

  2. It is always amazing how in tune little ones are with the feelings we keep inside us (or think we are keeping within us). They are just so intuitive to what we are feeling and sometimes act out accordingly without us even realizing it. Logan is very sensitive to both Lily and your are his first love and little Lily his second.....or you may both be tied for first. He will surely be her protector and be there to guide her along her future journey, she will never be alone in her life journey.
    Lily does truly love clapping her little hands together so cute. She is a strong little babe and has so much positive energy being sent from all over the world to strengthen her in this journey. She will do well and her Mama, Daddy and brothers and all of us that love her so will be there for her and your family.
    Love ya, Mom

  3. one step at a time...try not to get ahead of your thoughts. love you. x

  4. Holding you and Lily in our thoughts as always.
    Much love to you all

  5. sending peace and strength your way. lily will be in my prayers tomorrow.

  6. What can one say? I have had a brother and close friend go through chemo in the past 6 months and it's such a private battle, but when it's someone you love and a baby, my word, I don't know how you get though. I guess the answer is that somehow you do and you will because you'll be strong for her. Sending you all the extra courage I can muster x
