Wednesday, March 14, 2012

tears today

her hair is starting to thin, her skin looks pale, and her little eyes look like they are at half mast.  i feel like i am going into panic mode again.
like i am poisoning my baby. she is still all smiles and so trusting.  and i take her each week for her fill of toxic chemicals.  i just pray she gets better and this works.
somedays i do not feel as strong as others.  please say an extra prayer for her.


  1. Oh honey, she will be fine it is just not an easy journey. She is in everyone's prayers right along with you. We have to send positive thoughts, not a hair will fall from her head that the Lord is not aware of.....she is indeed a child of God and he loves her so.
    Love Ya, Mom

  2. blessings to you and yours. do not doubt yourself. praying for strength. xo

  3. surrender to the process and let go of those thoughts of putting poison into her body. her hair thinning is just a part of it. what you are doing by taking her in each tuesday is the best way to keep her safe. xoxo

  4. Sending positive thoughts your way. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.
    Thinking of you.

  5. Oh dear, you are way stronger than you think! She is trusting because she can trust you, because you do it all which is best for her, don't get tangled in panic mode, her hair will grow again once it is all over and it will be lovely, strong and healthy again. And so will she.

    Have faith and breathe deeply, in and out!

  6. Just trust that it will be alright. Keep your eyes wide open to trouble but trust. It will be ok Heather. You two stay strong.
