Monday, July 16, 2012

First tooth gone

i am a bit behind on my posts.  four lively little ones home, cousins in town, husband out of town, it has been fun, but not a moment to blog.

about a week ago, logan came running down the stairs, tooth in hand.  he could not wait to show me, and he was ecstatic to show his older brother.  instead of putting it under his pillow, he decided to save it for daddy... who was still out of town for a few more days. well, of course in the process of waiting to show daddy, it was lost.  hard to hold on to a little tooth, even in a bag.

a tooth fairy letter was written and she is the kind that forgives one for losing the lost tooth. this dreaming mama was awoken from her much needed sleep at 3:30am to see the coins the tooth fairy had left.  coins and diamonds.  oh my.

love him and that new grin.  suits him well, eh?


  1. Oh, here the same tooth is rocking forth and back, too. And the girl is too excited when she will loose it. Yes, the grin is perfect, they are so proud when they loose their teeth.

  2. Logan was so thrilled to have his loose tooth finally come out. He was so cute and excited to give me a call and let me know his big event. What a sweet little guy and cute little smile......he's growing up.
    Love ya, Mom
