Monday, October 8, 2012


 i cannot even describe how much our moods have lifted with the weather slowly cooling off.  and i mean s-l-o-w-l-y.  it is still reaching the 100's.  by the end of summer, we are all over the heat and done living in an oven.  we have been at the park at least once every day, even when there is only a slight breeze, we go.

it has been one hard, long summer here in the desert. no getaways or breaks.  it is the first summer we have remained here.  with lily in treatment and andrew with a broken leg, it would have been harder to leave.  

each year (for whatever reason) i think that the start of school will allow me more free time.  it has certainly turned out to be quite the opposite...  homework, sports, play dates, birthday parties.  oh my.

so a little catch up on our family over the past few weeks...   (mostly pictures from my phone)

luke's cub scout group is the most active pack around.  they have already been camping multiple times, gone bowling, had a kick ball night, and the year has just begun.  tonight they will be carving pumpkins and learning some other life skills.  soccer has started and he finally gets the game.  his played his first game and it was so intense. i found myself screaming on the side lines and normally i am so not that mom.  they lost, but he had quite a few goal shots.

logan's newest hobby has been climbing trees.  every park we go to, he choses his favorite tree.  then he just hangs out like a little monkey.  i am so proud of him.  he brought home his first book to read from school.  he was in tears, did not think he could read it.  we sat down, he sounded it out and read his whole book.  he is so excited and keeps pointing out sight words where ever we go.  he has also created a stash of pumpkin drawings.  tis the season.

landon has finally adjusted to school.   he runs up, puts his backpack and lunch away and is already on the play ground before i say goodbye.  much better then the first few weeks then they had to peel him from my body kicking and screaming. and he is making friends.  one little boy, andrew,  "changed" his name to jacob because that is landon's middle name.  apparently landon must be telling everyone his full name.  then in bed he told me he loved his best friend. it was the sweetest thing, out of nowhere he was thinking of his friend.

lily loves the swing.  she runs for it upon arrival to the park and would swing for hours if i let her.  i think she could nap in the swing.  he brothers love to push her, it does make me nervous as they are a bit rough, but that is when she really screams with delight.  it has been so nice having another chemo break.  i treasure the moments we get to spend at the park instead of the hospital.
this morning i woke to her sweet voice chitter-chattering away... "one, two, three, mommy, daddy, puppy, yea..."  her little hands clapping.  i considered getting up and trying to record her, but instead i enjoyed the moment.  it was only 5am.  she is my little alarm, i am sleepy and would love to sleep a few extra minutes, but would not change it for the world.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, you are in one of the busiest seasons of your life. It's crazy, draining, with no relief in sight and all I can say is enjoy, enjoy....these years pass by all to quickly. When we look back those times were the most exhausting and at the same time the most rewarding when we look at our of the most growth for all. Treasured times, enjoy.
    Love Ya, Mom
