Wednesday, October 10, 2012

the clinic

recently a friend had to visit a chemotherapy  clinic.  she was not there for chemo herself but talked about how sad it made her feel.  she despised being there, described it as awful and never wants to go back.  for obvious reasons, of course.

that is exactly how i felt the first time we went to clinic.  it was just andrew and i.  lily was safe at home.  i did not want to sit, touch anything, or look around the room.  i never wanted to go back.

on our second visit, they greeted us by name, smiling even.  i was ready to tell the receptionist there was no need for her to remember us as we would not be coming back. we would not be like one of the other families coming in each week. there was no need for them to familiarize themselves with us.

of course, i was entirely wrong.  we are there every week.  they know us by name and we know all of them by name.  the clinic is no longer a scary, sad place, but one that offers the opportunity of life.  it has opened us up to a new world.  one with wonderful people who are there because they want to help make a difference in a child's life.

this week we had our fist day back at clinic after a much needed two week break.  when lily saw her nurses, she did a dance and squealed with delight.  they have become her friends and mine.  we wish we were not there for chemo, but are blessed by those who surround us when we are there.


  1. It's amazing how our perception changes when we are at the beginning of going through something that is foreign to us. It's also so amazing how God brings different people into our lives at times of special needs and makes our journey just that little bit easier. Lily always brings the loving touch out of those she interacts with in her journey, and you her Mama has always been one to reach out and give to others. It's just what you give to others comes back tenfold. God bless you and always be with you in this journey. Love Ya, Mom

  2. One day you will go there because you want to meet old friends not because Lily has to go for another treatment - I pray for that!
