Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5 months have gone by

it is already here, she is 5 months today.  how much she has grown.  especially the past week.

she reaches out her hands to touch my face.

she does not like the car, will cry all the way home, then smile as we walk through the door.

she loves to be held by her brothers, still not realizing the danger of balls and cars flying around above her little head.

the boys are her protectors.  especially the two year old.  he will not hesitate to tell anyone that lily is  'my baby lily'.  he told me today that he loves his baby lily.

and she smiles and smiles.  the quiet lewis.  hardly makes a peep. not even a giggle... unless of course, we are in the car.  she tries to make sounds but all that comes is that big smile of hers.


  1. To think I saw her just a few days before she came into the world and got to see her after as well. *gush*

  2. happy five months sweet baby girl. x.

  3. Darling baby girl with the cute little curl on the top of her head!
    Love Ya, Mom
