Saturday, September 10, 2011


normally i am a glass is half full kind of gal, however, the past few days have been so disappointing.

great expectations at the boys school have left me feeling unfulfilled. just not at all what i had envisioned or expected from a place i have heard nothing but good.

family is on their way back across many seas, i am sad to see them go.  its always a joy to have the cousins, aunties, and uncles here.  in fact landon has started referring to his uncles as his other daddies.  they will be missed.

then there is the balance of everyday life.  i always envisioned raising my family together with my husband by my side.  and he is here, sort of, sometimes.  our usual life is one with him racing out of the house to catch a plane on sunday's then returning home while we are in bed sleeping on thursdays.  there is the benefit of him working from home on fridays, but he is working.  so family time is saturday's.  this lifestyle just throws our whole family rhythm for a loop.  the littles and i get ourselves in to a rhythm, everyone plays there part, then all of a sudden, daddy is back. they are upset with him for being gone and as soon as they are getting used to him being home, he is running out the door again.  disappointing.

sigh.  hope to feel better tomorrow.


  1. Something my mom always said (and still does say) to me in my times of feeling down.. Things could be a lot worse. They always know what to say to make you feel even the littlest bit better.

    Just remember about 1800 miles away their is a girl who misses your family immensely. Wish I could be there to comfort you. Hope to see you very soon.

    Love, Erica

  2. Oh honey, you are one of the most outgoing, cup is always half full gal I know! I share in your disappointments and heartbreaks. Our life's journey is not always easy but it makes us aware that we only have the moment we are living in and are never promised tomorrow, so we have to make the most of today and enjoy the blessings given each day, even if they challenge us to our limits. That's just how it is for mom's, our children are always a very real part of us and we always carry them deep within our soul. You do a wonderful job with your boys even with all of the challenges you have. I know by the time you are reading this
    comment your cup will be overflowing again.

    Love ya, Mom
