Tuesday, February 28, 2012


a beautiful gift from a friend to give me strength when lily and i go for her treatments.  simple and sweet, it means so much.  i treasure it.  as does lily.  someday it will fit upon her wrist.


  1. Stop it, you are going to make me cry.

    Love to you guys-

  2. how lovely! i have something to send your way too, as i have finished it up today. i was wondering how best to get in contact with you. you can email me also... marci_stellman@yahoo.com

  3. A lovely, beautiful gift indeed.....may you feel the strength and know as you look at that bracelet while Lily gets her treatment that there are so many sending their love and prayers your way as you all go on in this journey. Someday when Lily is older you will pass it on to her with all the love of her special Mama.

    Love Ya, Mom
