Sunday, February 19, 2012


we spent ours at the zoo. perfect weather, the animals were actually out.  those of you who live in arizona know how the animals tend to hide themselves when the weather heats up.

today my little ones decided to have a 'sale' in our drive way.  i suggested lemonade, but they came up with the idea of selling beads.  $100 for each little one or $1000 for the larger... there were passersby, but no sales.  luke ran inside with the sign and changed the price.  better luck tomorrow.  i think they have decide to give a bead with each lemonade they sell... and they informed me that we will be setting up at the neighborhood park.

wish me luck... no school, park, 4 kids, lemonade/ bead stand... and don't forget the bikes, balls, drinks, snacks, and other park gear.  its a short walk, but i think we will drive.  it looks like we live in the minivan, we park and more and more of us keep getting out with more and more stuff.  and then, of course, we never have the one thing they all seem to need.  like i said, wish me luck! happy presidents day.


  1. lily's eyes are so blue in that photo...gorgeous girl. x

  2. Just love all the beautiful colors in the photo of Logan on the carousel! That little Logan just can't keep his kisses away from his Lily, his in love with her. Sooo cute. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun at the zoo and it's always so much better when the creatures are out interacting with each other on a weather perfect day.

    Love Ya, Mom
