Wednesday, February 8, 2012

less then perfect

sometimes the day just does not go as planned.  i try to keep it positive.  calm with my children, but not everyday is like i wish.

lily's blood counts are low.  and i mean low, low.  i think about as low as possible before they have to give her some platelets.  needless to say, she did not receive treatment.  we will try again next week.  so for now, all i have to do is keep her healthy.  no germs for my immune deficient little girl please.

upon picking up the boys from school i insisted that they each use a squirt of hand sanitizer.  that was where it all started.  they protested, both of them, you would have thought i was putting it into their mouths.  and i am sorry, but i have become a germ phobe, i can't help it.  its flu season, everyone is sick.  these boys come home from school with dirty little hands.  they enter the car and cannot keep their little fingers off their sister.  i know they love her to pieces and just can't get enough, but ahhhmmm, use the sanitizer please.  i insisted, they gave in, but it set the tone for our afternoon.

remember my little heart making angel.... well the jekle side came out.  he would not eat dinner, insisted only on desert (yeah right).  refused to put on pajamas.  brushing teeth with a mouth that will not open is not so fun.  then he insisted that he was not tired and needed playtime.  how could i not allow him to have his playtime?  then the string of awful words came out. such a sweet little boy.  but when he gets mad, watch out. he uses the ones that sting... i hate you mommy.  the slamming of the door.  it was one rough night for little logan, i must say.  he had to lose several toys for getting out of bed.  i just hope tomorrow is better.  i guess its all part of being a parent. he wore me out.

1 comment:

  1. i think it is very normal, sort of reminds me of when you had your accident. i'm sure when mom and dad finally saw us after the neighbors had dropped off dinner and all our homework had been done (i remember having to have jason help me...oh my for both of us) that we weren't the most pleasant children at times. just is hard on them too. xoxoxo
