Thursday, January 3, 2013

amazing new year

more snow to ring in the new year.  luke was a bit under the weather, but decided to venture out of the cabin a few times.  logan and landon only came in for hot chocolate and to warm up, then they were back out to play in the fluffy stuff.  lily cried to go out, then cried when i put her in the snow.  she was much better off inside, maybe next year.

a few resolutions...

luke still is not very clear about his...

logan wants to improve his manners (really??)...

i dream of a year of better health.  its been a blessed year, but one of my hardest yet.  it has tested me in ways i never imagined, how did i get through a child being diagnosed with a brain tumor and ongoing chemotherapy.  however, the world keep spinning, i keep smiling, life is amazing.

logan designed and created these puppet santa's.  after the one he made for himself, landon started to cry so he made one for him as well.  landon is one lucky boy having logan for his older brother.


  1. You need a year with some full nights sleep in it!!! Logan wants to improve his manners, wow that's impressive and he already has good manners, however we can always improve in that area. Luke, well lets just say we could help him think of a couple things to improve. Such different personalities they all boring if we were all the same, right!
    Love them!

  2. Life is amazing and yo are you! May it be a good year for you all!
