Wednesday, February 20, 2013


this cub scout has worked hard all year and has finally earned his wolf badge.  he was one happy camper, face painted in the ceremony and all.

personally, i am glad he is healthy and made it through the week.  over the past two weeks he had started getting some pretty severe bruises, unexplained bruises.  at first i was ready to ask the teachers what was going on at recess, then i looked closely and noticed petichie (small red dots/ broken blood vessels) on his feet and ankles and a few on his chest.
the blood work showed that his platelets were extremely low.  so, immediately we were off to the hospital to see a hematologist.  oddly enough, its a department we know well.  the same one lily goes to.  her first week off and i am there with another child.
all is well, his counts were back up by friday.  apparently he must have had a virus that created antibodies that attacked his platelets.  i had never heard of such a condition, but apparently they see it all the time.  just one big scare for this mama.  whew, i will be going grey much sooner then i thought if this keeps up.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your wolf badge Luke...great job! Just love that painted ceremonial face. So thankful you got well so quickly. Love Ya
