Saturday, November 12, 2011

thoughts and prayers

all your thoughts and prayers are warming my heart and calming my being. in the midst of all of this i feel an inner peace.  a hot cup of tea, yoga meditation, kind of calm.  i am at peace.

lily had her 2nd mri and pet scan done on thursday.  it was such a long day.  they took her from my arms at 1pm and called us into the recovery room at about 5:30.  they said she needed only a little bit of anesthesia and woke up as soon as it was turned off.  she woke up turning over and trying to crawl away. she was hungry, groggy, ready to nurse, but not fussy.   such a happy little girl, this one.

this morning i spoke to dr kaplan, the neurologist, on the phone.  he does calls on saturday's.  i told you he was old school, he would probably come over for a house call if i were really upset.

the results of the mri are consistent with the first... the tumor has not grown.  it appears to be sitting on top of the sheath, not invasive to the nerve.  he did not have the results of the pet scan quite yet, but wanted to give me a call so i would not be sitting around sick with worry all weekend.

if the pet scan shows that the tumor is metabolically active, we will have to be more aggressive with her treatment.  that would more then likely mean a biopsy and chemotherapy.  this is not the outcome i am hoping for.

if the pet scan shows the tumor is not active, then we will just monitor it with mri's every few months.  this is what i am hoping for.  she is so little, such a little bundle of love.


  1. Sweet little Lily has so many prayers being said for her and your family...actually all over the world. We love you sweet baby girl, your in good care.
    Love Ya

  2. You are a strong mother and I send white light all the way to you and your family!

  3. Sending little Lily warm, purifying, white light. (and you too !)

  4. I will light a candle every day for Lily. Sending positive & white thoughts your way.
